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Wagner "Morning rosy (Walter's crown song) from Meistersinger in Nuremberg"

Wagner "Morning rosy (Walter's crown song) from Meistersinger in Nuremberg"

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Wagner was born in Leipzig, Germany as of 1813, and was blessed with a musical environment from an early age, as many of his brothers loved music and often held concerts at home, such as making a living from music. I was particularly strongly influenced by the composer Carl Maria von Weber, who I had a close relationship with. Weber, who became music director of the Dresden Opera House in 1817, was a longing for young Wagner and one of the few who continued to respect him throughout his life. At the age of 15, he was impressed by Beethoven and decided to become a composer, but at first he was interested in symphonies, but soon abandoned and became interested in opera. He has released numerous outstanding operas such as "Der Fliegende", "Tannhäuser", "Lohengrin", "Der Ring des Nibelungen (Tetralogy)" and "Tristan und Isolde". The 1867 work "Meistersinger of Nuremberg" has a prelude played in many concerts, and if you are an experienced musical instrument, you may have played it once. The graceful melody played by the violin part in the middle of the prelude becomes "shining rosy in the morning".
The content of this opera is a comedy, but the synopsis is that the knight Walter falls in love with his daughter Efa at the goldsmith's master Porkner's house, but Efa's father decides to marry the winner in the John Festival song battle. Walter knows that he needs to be a Meistersinger qualification to participate in the song battle. Even though it was difficult to qualify as Meistersinger, and there were some challenges such as being in the way of rivals who also love Efa and uncertain feelings of Efa himself, Walter finally said, "In the morning, it shines rosy. ”(Walter's crown song) was brilliantly sung, and the people, masters, Efa, and everyone fell in love with Walter\'s song. The content is to be tied.
This sheet music is based on the arrangement for violin and piano performance by violinist A. Wilhelmi of the same generation as Wagner, and has been re-arranged into the range of musical instruments and the range that is easy for amateurs to play.

Playing time is about 5 minutes and 50 seconds


Audition of accompaniment sound source (about 1 minute)


set content

  • Sheet music PDF data ① Solo score ② Accompaniment score (total score with solo score)
  • Accompaniment sound source MP3 data



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